Code of conduct

Code of conduct for suppliers and partners - Greenfoodfinder B.V.

Greenfoodfinder is committed and would like you to commit to the highest standards of social, ethical and environmental responsibility. As our supplier/platform partner we expect you to provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, act fairly and ethically, and use environmentally responsible practises. We expect you to operate in accordance with the principles in our supplier/partner code of conduct and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our code of conduct outlines Greenfoodfinder’s expectation for supplier/partner behaviour and culture regarding labour and human rights, health and safety, environmental protection, ethics, and management practices.

Greenfoodfinder will not conduct business with a supplier or partner engaged in violation of the above and in violation with the described statements below.


Keep informed with national legislation, industrial standards, international standards – ILO and UN and fully comply.

Free employment

Supplier or partner must not tolerate involuntary labour of any kind, as also in detail defined in ILO convention 29 and 105. They must not ask from their employees  “deposits” or identity papers. Their employees are free to leave promises after workday and are free to leave their employer after reasonable notice.

Regular employment

To every extent possible work performed must be on the basis of recognized employment relationships established through national law and practice. Obligations to employees arising from the regular employment shall not be avoided nor shall any such obligation be avoided through the excessive use of labour-only contracting or fixed-term contracts of employment.

Freedom of association

Greenfoodfinder expects of its suppliers and partners that their employees without distinction, have the right to form and join bodies representing employees, including trade unions of their choice, and to collective bargaining.

Health and Safety

Provide a safe and healthy workplace bearing in mind the prevailing knowledge of the industry and of any specific hazards. Adequate steps shall be taken to prevent accidents and injury to health arising out of, associated with, or occurring in the course of work, by minimizing, so far as is reasonably practicable, the cause of hazards inherent in the working environment. Provide personal protection equipment if needed and medical attention in event of work related injury. Report all issues and create systems to minimize the risk of repetition of the issue. Give workers the right to remove from imminent danger.

Wages and Hours

Suppliers or partners must provide their employees with wages and benefits , clearly communicated to workers, that at a minimum, comply with applicable laws. Overtime must be voluntary and paid separately and also follow applicable laws.

Child labour

Suppliers or partners must not make use or support child labour as defined in ILO convention 138 and 182; nor any exploitation of children and young people. The minimum age shall be in compliance with all applicable labour laws.


Supplier or partner must not allow discrimination as defined in ILO convention 100 and 111, based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political opinions and age. Supplier/partner stands for equal treatment.


Supplier or partner shall not engage in, support or allow any form of harassment or abuse of any employees. Physical abuse, threat of physical abuse or disciplinary measures, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse and other forms of intimidation must not be allowed.


Methods and standards for handling  waste, wastewater, chemicals and hazardous material must comply with national legislation as minimum. Procedures must be in place to prevent and eventually limit and correct harmful environmental impact.

Bribery and corruption

Supplier or partner should work actively against any form of bribery and corruption and illegal transactions. If in certain countries gifts are customary and a sign of courtesy, supplier/partner promise to take care this does not lead to any binding obligation.

Confidential information

Any confidential information in relation to Greenfoodfinder must be protected and not handed over to any third party (within legal boundaries) without written acceptance by Greenfoodfinder, regardless the information may be given or received without actual trade has been conducted.