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Seaweed Wraps

Leverancier: Seamore

Seaweed Wraps with 50% organic seaweed

Now it’s time to upgrade another favorite food with seaweed: I sea wraps! Two types of seaweed (wakame and himanthalia) come together in I sea wraps to provide the ultimate mix of seaweed goodness. Made with 50% of glorious sea veggies, this fresh tortilla is packed with goodness. The subtle flavor works well with any filling. Ready to roll and eat yourself happy!
• 100% organic seaweed that contains unique slow carbs
• 25% more fiber than in a normal wrap, it is a source of protein (19% more than a normal wrap)
• Low in saturated fat
• A source of magnesium and manganese
• An easy way to eat healthier and more sustainably

  • (1) Vegan / vegetarisch
  • (4) Duurzame zeebouw
  • (6) Goede voeding
(1) Vegan / Vegetarisch
(2) Biologisch
(3) Duurzame landbouw
(5) Voedselverspilling verminderen
(6) Goede voeding


Since 2015 we are turning seaweed into great food. We use the most tasty, healthy and sustainable veggie on the planet to upgrade your favourite foods like seaweed pasta, bacon, bread, wraps and chips.